Jewish woman, some holding children in their arms, wait in line before they are executed by the Ukrainian police.
This horrifying story begins with the Mizocz Ghetto of World War II, set up in occupied Poland by the German Nazi army to gather the local Jews there.
The Jews in the area had settled there since the 18th century. It is estimated that at that time there were about 2000 Jews living in that area.
While in 1939 Mizocz was under the control of the Red Army, in 1941, the Werhmacht occupied it after their invasion of the Soviet Union.
Of the 2,000 Jews, about 300 followed the Red Army on their retreat
In October 1942, all the Jews in the camp where had gathered, and a group of the Ukrainian and German police arrived to exterminate the 1,700 Jews.
The photos of the executions were taken by the Oberwachtmeister Hille's from Austria who was working in the “Feldpolizei.
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