The Emperor Trajan in full Imperial military regalia. His Paludamentum is in "Imperial Purple" with intricate gold embroidery further highlighting his position, power and wealth.
A full length cloak such as this in this shade of purple was illegal for all except the Emperor and sometimes commanders of extremely high station.
Similarly, the blue pteruges with gold stitching and twirled cotton tassles was also of a shade reserved for only the Emperor and perhaps Governors and Commanders in favour with the Imperial household.
His command sash again is in the Imperial Purple and his Attic-Style Helmet is of exceptional quality and that twin wedged V Shaped crest would be from an aquila (eagle) and are dyed a deep military red.
He wears a white/grey tunic with military braccae (pants that reached just below the knees) and then highly detailed greaves with semi-articulated patella guards (knee caps) have Roman Aquila etched into them.
Not to long after this greaves would be made in two pieces tied with leather cords. The knee portion would be totally separate from the shin piece and the wearer could choose to go without them if he wished. His gladius has the stereotypical high command grip and pommel made from ivory or an exotic wood, be white and carved into an Eagle's head.
His Lorica Musculata (muscled cuirass) would be of the finest high carbon steel and elaborately decorated with the usual symbols: Gorgon (Medusa) Griffins and other relevant power symbols, traced back to imitate the cuirass worn by Augustus and carved onto the statue "Augustus of Prima Porta" once again this expert penmanship and exacting detail is from Angel Garcia Pinto.
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