Sylvia Conner, who worked as a seamstress in New Bern, NC. She was photographed June 5th 1863 during the Union occupation of the city - A Union soldier, Henry A. Clapp, said to be taken with her - had a photographer take this photo and another of her sister-in-law, Mary Jane Conner
What little is known about Sylvia and Mary Ann Conner comes from Private Clapp from Dorchester, Massachusetts, who was quite taken by both her and her sister-in-law, Mary Ann Conner.
Private Clapp was 21 years old when he arrived in New Bern, North Carolina in the Fall of 1862. He was Harvard educated – a graduate and halfway through his law studies at Harvard when he enlisted, joining the 44th Regiment from Massachusetts. They were sent to New Bern after it's already under federal control.
Clapp participates in a variety of military missions leading him into different parts of eastern North Carolina. He also is the chief census taker among African Americans in New Bern. Clapp writes home to his family to describe this unusual land of the South..
Below, are excerpts of his letters that describe in greater detail who these women are in the eyes of this young Union soldier.
March 31, 1863
To Mother,
Mary Ann (as she is called, though her name is Mary Jane Conner) is about the most remarkable colored woman I ever saw…She had been a slave for years (all her life) before our troops took Newbern and been hired out as cook at the great Hotel here the Washington House – and which was burnt by the rebs when we came into Newbern. She supports an aged and infirm mother. She told me once or twice in answer to my questions, that if it were not that she felt as if she ought to stay and take care of her mother she would go to New York at once. She could earn a handsome living any where, for she is thoroughly capable.
April 10, 1863
To Willie (brother),
I want you to tell mother about the seamstress whom we employ to mend our clothes. She is a sister in law of our famous boarding-house keeper, Mary Jane, and glories in the classical name of “Sylvia.” She was formerly the slave of one of the richest men in New Berne who owned the house Gen Foster now lives in, and was the family seamstress I should judge. She is about forty, and though very dark of very pleasant appearance. Her address and manners are remarkably agreeable and really of unusual refinement.
I’ve seen the wives of millionaires who were much her inferiors in urbanity and polish of manner. She is a superb seamstress, as my dress-coat just rescued from many rents will bear happy witness. She seems also to be a woman of very good sense & well worth listening to. We often wait in the house whilst they are putting the finishing touches on the dinner and spend the time in talking with her and Mary Jane.
May 18th, 1863
To Father,
The pieces of clothing and the presents for Mary, Sylvia, and Eunice were sent with admirable judgment, as Mother’s always is. .. The bundle was opened in the presence of Mary and the elegant Sylvia who had just returned to her home with Mary after quite a severe illness, and it was very interesting to watch the faces of the spectators as I passed them their separate packages with a few appropriate remarks in each case, and information, as to who the giver was. … Sylvia remarked that mother “seemed to have guessed her taste exactly” and Mary reechoed the sentiments.
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